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LPN Congress 2023

Michael Czarick

Agricultural Engineer


Latest advances in the environmental management of sheds in hot climates

Michael (Mike) Czarick began his career in Extension at the University of Georgia in 1985.

He is recognized as an international authority on the design and operation of ventilation, brooding and computer control systems. The information he has produced has been used to improve poultry housing and poultry performance globally. He has been sought out by almost every poultry company in the US and most major companies worldwide to provide them with advice and counsel regarding design of their poultry facilities.

His program has had tremendous impact on the poultry industry - almost every poultry house built in the US and many worldwide since the 1990's have Mike Czarick’s design elements included in them. His work on tunnel ventilation and evaporative cooling is credited with virtually ending the massive heat related mortality and reduced performance that plagued the poultry industry during the summer months. During his career, he has published over 350 newsletters and 60 educational videos, computer programs and other Extension publications.

He has made these publications readily available to poultry farmers and industry professionals by developing and maintaining a website that is one of the most comprehensive sources for information related to environmental control of poultry houses, brooding, ventilation, energy conservation, etc. in the world. He has been invited to give presentations on his work at over 200 international and 400 national meetings. The intensive Hot Weather and Cold Weather Workshops he developed attract attendees from all over the US and the world.

Through his career, Mike has received a number of awards including the D. W. Brooks Award for Excellence in Extension - the highest award for Extension the University of Georgia offers.

LPN Congress & Expo 2023

Reunimos Toda la Avicultura y la Nutrición Animal de Latina América


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