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LPN Congress 2023

Gonzalo Moreno

Executive President of FENAVI


Open dialogue: Actions and promotions to boost egg consumption

Gonzalo Moreno Gómez is the Executive President of the National Federation of Poultry Farmers of Colombia, Fenavi, the only representative guild of the Colombian poultry sector.
Colombian poultry sector, a position he assumed in August 2018.

He has served as Secretary General of the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters (Asocolflores). He has been a consultant in law and public policies for companies, guilds and governments. He is also currently a professor of Commercial Law and Business Law at the Universidad de los Andes.

His union management has led him to be the Vice President of the Consejo Gremial Nacional (CGN) in the year 2022, he is currently the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Sociedad de Agricultores de Colombia (SAC) and representative of Latin America to the Executive Committee of the International Poultry Council (International Poultry Council).

Gonzalo is a lawyer graduated from Universidad Javeriana and Universidad del País Vasco de San Sebastián, Spain. He is a specialist in Commercial Law and Tax Law; Master in Private Law from Universidad de los Andes and MBA from INCAE Business School in Costa Rica.

LPN Congress & Expo 2023

Reunimos Toda la Avicultura y la Nutrición Animal de Latina América


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