Claudio Machado, Knowledge Management Manager/ Spec. Poultry at Grupo Vencomatic was in charge of the presentation on "Benefits of the investment in modernizing equipment for egg and meat production" during the LPN Congress 2018.
With the entry of new technologies and different concepts in the market for eggs for consumption and meat, we must be clear about where we are and where we are going, but above all, if it is worth taking a step towards this direction because the experience from other markets and seeking the answer to exactly when and how to do it, without compromising money and knowledge, are the keys to success in any investment in our sector.
Whenever something new appears in our market (which is very restricted and full of peculiarities), whether in new production concepts or equipment, it is normal for us to be afraid and insecure if we have to believe and adapt to it with the idea to make an investment.
However, in this globalized world in which we live, where information is almost instantaneous, we cannot be arrogant and believe that we know everything and do not need help. Therefore, we need to make some shortcuts; we cannot and must not persist in mistakes that have occurred in other markets.
Shortening paths aims to exchange knowledge, showing what has worked well and poorly throughout the world in the transitions of technologies and different production concepts, always based on what the market and the consumer are proposing as a rule.
For this, it is essential to have a straightforward reading of the different consumers and the other markets in which we operate, to know what they are looking for, to understand and accept that this is the new consumer coming to the market, which has culture and power.
Knowing the consumer in detail and being flexible to change will be decisive when defining how much, for what price, and how we will make food available since they will be the ones who will pay the bill from now on.
The sustainable issue must also be discussed daily in any company that wants a long life because if we look ahead, no more than ten years, we can know that consumers will have a different profile and a much higher level of knowledge and demand with issues that Until recently, it was not taken into account in our day-to-day decision-making, this new public will be the one that will make the decisions for the families.
The price factor and cost of implementation of these new production projects must always be taken into account and treated as a priority in our decisions since the cost of production and the final price of the product in the supermarket gondola must be analyzed and prioritized in the time to define, where and with which company to continue.
Another critical point that can help shorten the path is the Know-How factor, that is, how much knowledge the companies that will implement the new technology have to transfer to the producer. This is important for success to be certain or with low risk; care must be taken so that our farm does not become a testing ground. At the time of decision-making, it must be clear when and how it will be done, as I do not doubt that in more complex cases, this becomes the primary intrinsic value of a product.